
CreateAthon Blog

CreateAthon Takes Flight
  • Written by Jenni Brennison

This year CreateAthon celebrates its 16th anniversary. As marketers, we’re often told our ideas are the only thing we have. Best to hold them close. What if someone else can’t see your vision? If you lose control will you ever restore your idea to its roots? When it came to CreateAthon, however, Teresa Coles and... Read More

CreateAthon Love For The Therapy Place
  • Written by Jenni Brennison

The Therapy Place, a Columbia, SC, 501 (c)3 nonprofit, exists to provide both traditional and innovative therapies to children with special needs regardless of their family’s ability to pay. In 2012, Riggs Partners chose the organization as a CreateAthon client. It’s been almost a year, and Executive Director Dawn Darby can’t stop raving about the... Read More

Telling the CreateAthon Story
  • Written by Teresa Coles

There’s nothing more exciting than watching our tiny, baby idea — staying up all night to give back to local charities — grow into a powerful movement for creating social good. As CreateAthon grows, so does the chatter about it. Just follow the #createathon hashtag on Twitter and you can see for yourself. We believe... Read More