CreateAthon Love For The Therapy Place
- Written by Jenni Brennison
The Therapy Place, a Columbia, SC, 501 (c)3 nonprofit, exists to provide both traditional and innovative therapies to children with special needs regardless of their family’s ability to pay. In 2012, Riggs Partners chose the organization as a CreateAthon client. It’s been almost a year, and Executive Director Dawn Darby can’t stop raving about the communications plan, social media strategy, and supporting collateral they received.
We were greeted by a dozen people, all who had immersed themselves in OUR MATERIALS. I was very nervous because The Therapy Place has been my life for the past 5 years. How could they tell ME what it is that WE do and in a way that we could then use to market and sell it to others? How could THEY come up with words better than I could?
Behold, the presentation! The concept was jaw dropping. They created a fund development piece that completely encapsulated what we do, who we do it for and why someone should give NOW. I wept. I literally cried tears of joy to see how they transferred what they learned from us in such a short time into this beautiful piece we could then share with the world to tell our story. And there was more – the framework for a PowerPoint to go forth and use face-to-face, a social media plan, letterhead, envelopes and business cards! And boxes of the printed materials were DELIVERED to our doorstep!
It was a fabulous experience. I tell others all the time they should seek out this opportunity! We are so very thankful to Cathy Monetti and Teresa Coles for their vision and for making this program possible. We are in love with our materials one year later and so thankful to have been included!
Does your agency have a CreateAthon client with a story to share? Let us know. We’d love to share it here.