There’s No I in Team!
- Written by CreateAthon onCampus
My goal to spread my passion to them had succeeded. They were ready to work hard and get as much done as possible for TNCS and their students.
I did not have to push them on or pursuade them to work. In fact, they were supporting me. When I was stressed at 3am, they were telling me, “we can do this! Its going to be great!” When they finished one task, they came right back to me ready for the next thing.
They have emailed and texted me “thank you so much” and “Marie you did a fabulous job,” but all the credit goes to them.
I wouldn’t have been able to pull this off without the support of an amazing team. We had fun and we can’t wait to see the results of all our work.
And the rest of our story, you can see in our pictures!
–Marie Linne von Berg