CreateAthon of the Lowcountry is ready to roll!
- Written by Jennifer Cherock
Trio Solutions, Inc. has met with our final 5 nonprofits this week and we are THRILLED to finally announce to everyone who we have chosen to work with during this year’s CreateAthon:
-The Belle Baruch Foundation
-Chamber Music Charleston
-East Cooper Meals on Wheels
-Friendship Medical Clinic and Pharmacy
-Berkeley County Family YMCA
We are already motivated and inspired by the great things each of these nonprofits are accomplishing each day in our community. It will be our mission on September 16-17 to produce at least one marketing piece/ tool for each of these groups that will be beneficial to their cause for years to come.
Thanks, as always, to Riggs Partners for the opportunity to serve, and to all of the nonprofits in our area who applied. We had a very difficult time narrowing down the applications, and encourage those who were not chosen to apply again in years to come.