CreateAthon lands in NYC

  • Written by Teresa Coles

Imagine our excitement at the Mother Ship when we learned this spring that Peyton Rowe, director and Chief Evangelical Officer of CreateAthon onCampus, had been selected as one of only 15 professionals in the country to participate in IMPACT! Design for Social Change.

IMPACT! is a six-week summer intensive study at the School of Visual Arts. Professionals like Peyton who are all about using their design powers for social good will work with an industry-renown faculty of instructors and guest lecturers including the likes of Mark Randall, Chad Boettcher, Edwin Schlossberg and yes, Milton Glaser. We understand the fine folks at SVA were particularly taken with the concept of CreateAthon and believe that IMPACT! could serve as an incubator for the program. How cool is that?

Peyton has created a blog to document her adventures at IMPACT! and to share her take-aways with the CreateAthon universe. Be absolutely sure you visit and check out the action. You will never be the same after entering Peyton’s world.