A creative gift

  • Written by Mary Walter, Spartanburg Area Conservancy

Two summers ago, my nonprofit received a fantastic service from Columbia area marketing and PR firms. I am director of a land conservation organization located in Spartanburg and we struggle financially just like most non-profits in today’s world. We simply did not have funds allocated for one of our most important needs: getting our word out to the public. Over and over again in our planning efforts, it comes up that people in the community still don’t hear the message that saving land and natural resources is so important.

This is where CreateAthon comes in. My board president knows one of the partners with Riggs Partners and learned about this great service. We applied, had a one-on-one meeting to clarify our needs, and were awarded this great opportunity to receive marketing strategies and products. And all for free! From the creative folks who volunteer their time with CreateAthon, SPACE got a very much needed revised logo, a design for a banner, which we use at all our promotional events, AND they designed AND printed a brochure we use for fundraising.

I encourage all non-profits who need assistance in marketing their cause to apply!